Neutering and spaying your dog is an important and responsible decision, as it prevents unplanned breedings and helps to control the pet overpopulation. There are also many health and behavioural benefits that are associated with neutering/spaying our pets such as decreased risk of certain cancers.
What does neutering/spaying a dog do?
A neuter or spay prevents a dog from being able to reproduce. A neuter is for male dogs and involves removing both testicles. A spay procedure is for female dogs and involves removing the ovaries and uterus.
Why is it important to neuter/spaying my dog?
Neutering and spaying prevents overpopulation of pets and has many health benefits. Because the testicles, ovaries and uterus are removed, these animals cannot get cancer associated with these organs. If we spay a female prior to her first heat, we can decrease her risk of breast cancer to 0.5%. If she has two heat cycles, her risk increases to 26%! Females may also develop a potentially fatal bacterial infection of the uterus termed pyometra and this can be avoided through a spay. There are some behavioural benefits as well! Intact males are more likely to escape and run away if they smell a female in heat, as well as urine mark in the house. In some cases, aggression related issues may be reduced as well.
How old should a dog be before neutering/spaying?
We recommended performing a neuter or spay at 6 months of age.
How much does it cost to neuter/spay a dog?
Please contact us to discuss the costs associated with spaying or neutering your dog.