With the warmer weather, we expect to see a high incidence of pets with fleas and ticks. In Ontario, we are now seeing an increase in the number and type of ticks. Our biggest concern with ticks is that the can transmit disease, namely Lyme disease, to humans and pets.
How can you tell if your dog has fleas & ticks?
Adult fleas and ticks may be seen with the naked eye. Flea dirt, which is essentially flea poop, appears like a sprinkling of pepper on your dog’s coat and is evidence that adult fleas are on your pet. Ticks have eight legs and may be seen walking on your pet or may be attached and feeding. When feeding, their bodies become engorged and are more obvious to see and find.
How do you prevent fleas & ticks in dogs?
The only way to prevent fleas, is to use a flea prevention medication that will kill certain life stages of flea. Tick prevention is also available for your pet. Ticks are often found in long grasses and so avoidance of these areas, as well as known heavily populated tick areas, will help with prevention.
What are the treatment options for ticks in dogs?
Ticks should be removed safely as soon as they are observed. They can then be killed by sealing them in a Ziploc bag, or container, or putting them in alcohol. We also regularly use tick preventative medications such as K9 Advantix, which repels and kills ticks, as well as the oral chew Bravecto, which kills ticks for up to 12 weeks.