Routine deworming for cats, whether they are indoor or outdoor cats, is highly recommended. Many intestinal parasites can actually be found in indoor cats, as some are transmitted through fleas or even potting soil.
What are some internal cat parasites?
Some common intestinal cat parasites are tapeworms, roundworm, and hookworm.
What are worm infestation symptoms in cats?
Some intestinal parasites in certain life stages can be seen in the feces of the cat, like tapeworm (look like grains of rice) or roundworm (look like pasta noodles). Often intestinal parasites are microscopic, which is why a routine stool test is always recommended as part of your cat’s preventive care. Additional symptoms include seeing your cat scooting the bum across the ground, licking excessively in that area, or diarrhea.
Do worm affect humans?
Yes, many intestinal parasites that your cat may be infected with are zoonotic. Meaning, they can be transmitted to humans so it’s important to regularly deworm and test your cat’s stool, especially when you have young children at home, or someone with a suppressed immune system.
What is the deworming schedule?
The deworming schedule depends on the age, environment, and risk to your pet specifically. In general, kittens are dewormed several times in their first few months and this may extend to every 6 months once older.
Any deworming medication side effects?
There can be side effects of deworming medication. However, they are not common and the benefits of deworming outweigh any possible side effects. It’s important, however, that your dewormer for your cat is prescribed specifically by your veterinarian, based on your pets needs and weight. We recommend only veterinary prescribed deworming medication, as it is regulated for safety.