Welcome to November from McLean Animal Hospital!

Wow!  Where has the year gone?  It’s November!  The Winter Holidays are fast approaching which means.. .our


at McLean Animal Hospital!  We will be hosting this fabulous Open House with our very own Santa on

Saturday December 6th from 2pm – 4pm!

Please join us for this fabulous event, everyone is welcome!We will have Santa here for photos with your pet.We will have clinic tours with our staff, raffle prizes, and sugar goodies and refreshments.

Thank you to all that joined us in October for our Canine Anxiety Talk with Lisa from A Leg Up. Everyone learned so much about canine anxiety at this seminar and received some very valuable information. I’m sure we will do this again as it was such a success and our clients and our staff found it very helpful.

We have also been learning a great deal about our Senior Pets given Senior Pet Months are October and November at McLean Animal Hospital. Please give us a call at 416-752-5114 to book your discounted senior blood work and urinalysis as the promotion ends November 30.

We will thank Dr.Sean Colyer now for taking the time and care to present to our clients on Tues Nov 4 evening, a talk on how to care for your senior pets as they age. This topic is close to the heart of many owners, including Allison Burgess the clinic manager at McLean’s, as she herself owns two very senior doggies!

Thank you to all our clients that take the time to read about our promotions and events.  We really appreciate your participation and hope you enjoy the Open Houses, Seminars, and promotions we offer here at McLean Animal Hospital. Happy Winter!